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Lionheart 2 Simulator IBP Cables

Search for a Model to connect to your Lionheart 2 Simulator:    
  • 0370-2054 Interface Cable
    Connects BIO-TEK  Lionheart 2 Simulator
    Price: $250 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0370-2215 Interface Cable
    Connects BIO-TEK  Lionheart 2 Simulator
    to BRUKER MEDICAL  SM785PS Monitor.
    Price: $250 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0370-2256 Interface Cable
    Connects BIO-TEK  Lionheart 2 Simulator
    to GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS IT  CLab II Plus [32, 64, 96, & 128 Channel] Monitor.
    Price: $150 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0370-2423 Interface Cable
    Connects BIO-TEK  Lionheart 2 Simulator
    to GE HEALTHCARE  DASH 5000 Monitor.
    Price: $171 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0370-1005 Interface Cable
    Connects BIO-TEK  Lionheart 2 Simulator
    to ABBOTT  PR-3 Monitor.
    Price: $160 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0370-1636 Interface Cable
    Connects BIO-TEK  Lionheart 2 Simulator
    to WITT BIOMEDICAL  Analog Frontend with 4-Ch Pressure Cable Harness Monitor.
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0370-2243 Interface Cable
    Connects BIO-TEK  Lionheart 2 Simulator
    to SCHILLER  ARGUS PB-1000: S/N Series 760.xxxxx Monitor.
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0370-1083 Interface Cable
    Connects BIO-TEK  Lionheart 2 Simulator
    to COBE / STOCKERT  Pressure Control Mod Monitor.
    Price: $142 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0370-2266 Interface Cable
    Connects BIO-TEK  Lionheart 2 Simulator
    to AGILENT TECHNOLOGIES  M1006A Monitor.
    Price: $200 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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  • 0370-2022 Interface Cable
    Connects BIO-TEK  Lionheart 2 Simulator
    to DATEX-ENGSTROM  AS/3 Light Monitor.
    Price: $220 per Cable
    Simulator End Mating Connector
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    Monitor End Mating Connector
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